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Case studies & How I work

Peek at a few notable projects and what it's like to work with me on a product-led growth team.

Case studies

I’ve grabbed examples of a few notable projects I worked through with my teams. These projects only feature a few key details, so treat them more like an appetizer than a full meal.
I’d be delighted to share more context or answer questions. Just
IG mobile app turnaround.png
Instagram mobile app turnaround
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Welcome doc onboarding
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Downgrade flow saves
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How I work

Take a closer look inside key rituals and templates I’ve used to collaborate with my teams.
Peers have asked me the most about
@Automatic research “on-tap”
and I always advocate for
@Pre-meeting feedback via Dory & pulse
as a best practice any team should try.
Automatic research “on-tap”
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Pre-meeting feedback via Dory & pulse
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async experiment pitch.png
Two-way experiment pitching
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Quarterly retro
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Decision log
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What do teammates say it’s like to work with me?

Loves to grow (& teach others).

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Full of ideas & energy.

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Collaborative, but decisive.

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